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A very warm welcome to St Mary's Church, Welwyn. 


Situated in the centre of Welwyn village, St Mary's is one of six Anglican churches in the Welwyn Team ministry.  To find out more about the other Team churches go to Links page. There is a strong liturgical tradition at St. Mary’s and vestments are worn for Eucharist Services. We run active children’s groups and offer varying worship styles at a range of services throughout the year. Lay participation in worship is considerable and the place of prayer is given high priority. The musical tradition is strong and St. Mary’s has an able, robed choir. Anthems are sung at every Sunday morning service except in August and there is normally full choral evensong monthly.


These pages will give you information about the worship at St Mary's, the activities that are available and the building.  We are an inclusive church offering a range of worship and activities.


You are most welcome at any of our services and/or other events described in these pages.  If you used to live locally and have now moved away we hope this website will help you to keep in touch.


If you have any comments on any section of the website, or you have information that you would like to see included then please contact

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