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The Parish Electoral Roll is a list of names and contact details which is invaluable for the Ministry Team to keep in touch with parishioners at times when they may need pastoral support.  We encourage regular members of the congregation to join the Roll. Entry on the roll will give you  voting rights at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)


Please note this is entirely different to the Civic Electoral Roll!


To join you must be baptised, aged 16 or over, and not ordained.  You must also either live in the Parish or worship on a regular basis at St Mary's or St Michael's.

Every six years we are required to fully revise the Electoral Roll.  A full revision took place in 2019 requiring everyone to complete a new form on that occasion.


Application forms for entry onto the Roll are available in both churches or can be downloaded below:


St Mary's Welwyn Electoral Roll Form


St Michael's Woolmer Green Electoral Roll Form 

































































































































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