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Any organisation needs to have a mechanism to oversee its decisions and finances and the church is no exception.  In order to do this effectively within the Parish, the APCM (Annual Parochial Church Meeting) and Meeting for the Election of Churchwardens are held annually at the same time, normally before April 30th. Documents for previous years can be found here.

APCM: 28th April 2021 

The Parochial Church Council (PCC) 2021


The PCC, chaired by the Team Rector, is a group of people made up of members of the clergy and lay members of the parish some of whom sit on the Council as of right and some who are elected at the APCM. Together they are responsible for promoting the mission of the church.  They also have responsibility for the overall wellbeing, spiritual and practical, as well as financial, of their parish, the members and the buildings. The PCC meets regularly to discuss matters of general concern and importance to the Parish.  The Parish is a registered charity and PCC members are Trustees (Registered Charity No. 1130415).

Members with effect from 28th April 2021 (* St Michael's):



Rev’d Dr David Munchin (Chair)



Mr John Burnapp

Mr Colin Hull (Deanery Synod rep)

Mrs Usha Hull



Mrs Diane Jenkin

Mrs Susan Keach* (Vice-Chair)

Mr Stuart Westley


Deanery Synod Representatives

Mrs Vernonne Allan

Mrs Shoena Eggington*


Elected Representatives

Mrs Gina Beck*

Mr Geoffrey Cummings

Mrs Jacqueline Davis*

Mr Emmanuel Emmanuel-Odiachi*

Mr Stuart Jenkin

Mrs Joan Shelley

Mrs Margaret Varco (Treasurer)

Five vacancies

PCC Secretaries

David & Louise Hughes

More about Governance:


The Annual Parochial Church Meeting (APCM)

The annual meeting can only be attended by those people who are on the Electoral Roll of the Parish. This roll will have been revised or renewed and published before the meeting and you can check whether or not you are on the current roll by looking at the published copy which is in both churches, or by emailing the Electoral Roll Officer.

The meeting receives from the Parochial Church Council (PCC), and is free to discuss:

  • the report on changes in the electoral roll since the last meeting

  • an annual report on the proceedings of the PCC and the activities of the parish generally

  • the audited or independently examined financial statement of the PCC for the previous year which will have been approved by the PCC

  • a report on the fabric, goods and ornaments of the church

  • a report on the proceedings of the Deanery Synod.


The meeting also has a responsibility to:

  • elect members to the Deanery Synod every 3 years. The Deanery Synod is a meeting of all clergy licensed to a benefice within the Deanery plus elected lay members and is the next level up of Government in the Church of England

  • elect members to the PCC

  • elect sidespersons

  • appoint an external examiner or auditor for the church accounts

  • discuss any matter raised by anyone eligible to attend the meeting

The Meeting for the Election of Churchwardens 

The election of churchwardens is the only matter decided at the APCM which can be attended by anyone who is on the Electoral Roll of the Parish, or resides in the Parish and is on the Register of Local Government Electors.

There are three other meetings that are held regularly between the two annual meetings mentioned above.  These are:


Standing Committee:

Normally comprises clergy, churchwardens, treasurers and PCC secretary.  The Standing Committe usually meets two weeks before PCC meetings to confirm the agenda and has the power to transact the business of the PCC between its meetings, subject to any directions given by the PCC.

The Team Council

As St. Mary’s is part of a team of five parishes with six churches, a Team Council exists to coordinate the direction of the Team and support the Parishes in their ministry.  Generally the Council is made up of the clergy and churchwardens from each of the five parishes.

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