We are very fortunate compared to so much of the world's population. As Christians, it is our joy to share our good fortune with those less fortunate. Traditionally the church has recommended a tithe (10%) of income. However St Mary's corporately seeks to set an example and raise the equivalent of 15% of its income to give to charity.
We do this by occasionally taking special collections at services and supporting activities organised by church groups and by members of our church community. We actively support local, national and international charities. We regularly post updates on the charities noticeboard in Church House and on our Facebook page. Click here to see which charities we supported in 2018 with a total of £23,243.
We support Whitechapel mission which serves homeless people in London. There is a basket out on the first Sunday of the month for clothes, shoes, and toiletries. More information from this email.
We collect items for Stevenage Food Bank, as well as supporting them in other ways. There is also a collection box in church for those who would like to give items (under the bookstall).
Here is how our Charitable Giving in 2018was distributed: