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The Hub is a lively Christian group for debate, relaxation, social outings, art and music for secondary school childen.

It's a place to meet friends and make new ones.

The Hub has strong links with St Mary’s worship band, Worship Unlimited, and together they participate in church services & events throughout the year.


The Hub runs from 7.00 until 8.30pm in Church House every Sunday evening in term time and some Sundays during the school holidays.


Here's a video from a community event they ran in July 2017..... Please view and "like"!




Click on the image below to see our autumn programme:










Comments from members:
"I'd say The Hub is very fun! 


It's a chance to make friends, to get good experiences (things like Whitechapel, sleep outs, skiing, barn dances!) You can try something new and get a different perspective on things and maybe think about things you haven't really thought much about before. Somewhere where you can have discussions about different but relevant topics, that opens up your viewpoints, etc. about different things. I'd say mainly somewhere you know you can go to have fun, to relax and to know that you can always find someone who will genuinely care for you, be there for you if you need it.  But also something we like to go to because we have fun but also get a lot out of even if it's just something to think about like a thought for the evening.


It's nice and relaxed and informal and there's no pressure to have to do certain things etc like you would at school.  It's structured but in a more relaxed way!  It's quite adaptable and varies from week to week."


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